Meeting Dr. Rowe

A diagram from Dr. Rowe shows how Dysautonomia correlates and connects to most of Jayde's illnesses. Each trip to Hopkins is full of anxiety. We never know what will change or be discovered. Today's appointment felt like two lifetimes in the making. If I had to choose one word to sum up Jayde's appointment, it would be—validating. Growing up, my joint pains were written off as growing pains. My migraines were dismissed as mere headaches. I stopped seeking medical treatment because I could not bear to hear yet again, "We cannot figure out what is wrong," or "It's all in your head." Though medicine has advanced since my childhood, some doctors practice medicine, while other doctors specialize in medicine. When I realized Jayde was sick, I was determined my fate would not be hers. I refused to give up on her or allow any doctor to make her feel insignificant by dismissing her. Today was the culmination of all of that. Jayde's comprehensive exam with...