We're Off To See the Wizard


The elevator speaks with the sweet voice of a child. The brightly colored art is familiar, like an old friend. While we walk in together, as we have countless times before, she voices, "I am nervous." "I completely understand. After your last experience several weeks ago, of course, you are." She expresses her anxiousness again as the nurse asks questions and takes her vitals. I assure her, "Momma Bear is here. We've got this."

Sadly, this was once the only place, other than home, where she felt comfortable and at ease, where people did not stare, question, or judge, and where she knew she could be among her own kind. That all changed six weeks ago. After the echocardiogram was over, I geared up for battle, much like I did a few years ago, right before Dr. Brenner sent us to Dr. Jelin. I straightened my back as I rolled Jayde into the exam room. After the pleasantries with Dr. Brenner, I proceeded to tell him about the past nine months and how Jayde is continuing to decline. I told him about her horrendous hospital stay in July. It was a lengthy appointment, but he heard me and, more importantly, Jayde. He gave us the "I know a guy speech," again. As soon as he began discussing his colleague Dr. Peter Rowe, Jayde and I looked at each other and smiled. I told Dr. Brenner how, after he diagnosed Jayde with POTS, I reached out to Dr. Rowe. The short version, Dr. Rowe only treats complex, complicated cases, and Dr. Brenner is certain Jayde falls into that category.
This morning, while getting dressed, the phrase, "We are off to see the Wizard," was streaming through my mind. Go ahead, try reading that again without singing it. We have always thought of Jayde's cardiologist as the wizard of her medical journey. He has opened doors we never could have as a parent or patient. His wisdom has been life-changing for Jayde. Today was no different, as my beautiful girl gained several new doctors. Today, her faith in her medical team was restored once more as she tossed her long red locks, knowing there was no place like home. Today we also realized the blankets are really shrinking, or Jayde has really grown.


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