She is My Miracle!
When Jayde was a baby, Chris thought pink was too basic a color for her. His favorite color to dress her in was a beautiful shade of lilac. Who knew then that the color purple would become so symbolic? It has been a challenging year in the SMAS community. We've seen too many warriors succumb to this disease. Each death is a stark reminder of the anguish this illness can inflict on its patients and their families. A few days ago, I was candidly discussing the graveness of Jayde’s health with my mother. I explained my latest concerns over the two types of SMAS – acute and chronic. The long-term prognosis for acute SMAS is far better than that of the chronic type, which Jayde has. Acute SMAS is a sudden onset from a dramatic weight loss due to illness, surgery, or injury. This type generally responds better to conservative therapies or surgery and, in time, heals. Chronic SMAS is a long-term form, usually diagnosed once the symptoms are too severe to be ignored by doctors and sa